Set up data sharing

Through Onvio data sharing, you can share general client information among Onvio and CS Professional Suite applications that your firm has licensed (such as UltraTax CS, Accounting CS, and Practice CS). General client information includes a client's name, address, phone number, TIN, SSN, and so on.

We recommend that you populate clients from UltraTax CS into Onvio before completing these steps.

Follow these steps to enable data sharing.

  1. Enable data sharing and see what information is shared in each applicable CS Professional Suite application.
  2. If you haven't already installed Onvio Link, do so now.
  3. Click the Onvio Link Onvio Link button button in your system tray or menu bar to open Onvio Link.
  4. Click the Settings button in the Onvio Link toolbar and verify that the Onvio data location is correct for your firm. The default location is c:\wincsi\OnvioData.
  5. Verify that the data location matches the data location settings in UltraTax CS, Accounting CS, and/or Practice CS.
  6. Mark the Enable Data Sharing box and click OK. Choose the CS Professional Suite application below to see what information data shares with Onvio.
    • Accounting CS

      Client information

      • Telephone number
      • Address
      • Email address

      Note: Client information can data share from Onvio Clients or Contacts.

      Employee information

      • Address
      • Telephone
      • Date of birth

      Note: Employee information data shares from Onvio Contacts.

    • Practice CS

      Client screen > Main tab

      Note: All name fields share data only if the corresponding field in the receiving application is blank. If the field contains a value, the receiving application will not allow changes to the corresponding field.

      • Name 1
      • Name 2
      • Individual First Name
      • Individual Last Name
      • Individual Date of Birth
      • Spouse First Name
      • Spouse Last Name
      • Spouse Date of Birth

      Client screen > Contact Info tab (Primary Address Only)

      • Address Line 1
      • Address Line 2
      • City
      • State
      • Zip
      • Country
      • All phone numbers
      • E-mail
    • UltraTax CS
      • First, Last name
      • Entity
      • SSN/EIN
      • Address
      • Email
      • Spouse first, last name and email

Changes that you make to general client information in any CS Professional Suite application for which data sharing is enabled will now show up in Onvio. Also, any changes that you make to general client information in Onvio will be similarly reflected for the same client (matched by TIN or SSN) in any CS Professional application for which data sharing with Onvio is enabled.


  • Onvio Project data will not share with other applications.
  • Onvio will not share data with a standalone installation of Workpapers CS.
  • There is not a prompt to accept or reject data shared with Onvio. Information is automatically updated.
  • Onvio only shares data with the latest version of UltraTax CS

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